Posts tagged anxietywarrior
fear: false evidence appearing real!

Anxiety feels real 😱, even though it may have no basis in reality, arising when we feel activated by a variety of different triggers.

As long as we continue to try to push away, avoid, or ignore our anxiety or panic, it will continue to hold us hostage.

Our experience of anxiety can change only when we learn how to listen to it, understand it, challenge our anxious thoughts, and replace those thoughts with new ones.

Mindfulness is the best technique for managing fear, anxiety, and panic, When we learn through meditation to allow thoughts to pass without believing all we think to be true, our experience of fear will shift! 

Your goal for today is to be present with you thoughts without reacting to them! 💕🌿

what is self-concept?

A self-concept is a combination of all the ideas you have about yourself, based on your personal experiences, body image, your thoughts, and how you tend to label yourself in various situations. It’s connected to self-esteem, but it’s a little different. 🌿


A self-concept can also be defined as awareness you have had of yourself in the past; the awareness you have of yourself in the present, and the expectations you have of yourself at a future time. 


Your self-concept is a collection of your perceptions and beliefs you have about your own nature, qualities, and behavior. It’s about how you think and evaluate yourself at any given moment in time. 


Self-concept is made up of your own thoughts- so it is not always true or accurate! What is your self-concept? How do you think about yourself? Are you always able to distinguish accurate perceptions about yourself from negative thoughts? ⬇️

it’s monday!

It’s Monday again which means I’m doing the best I can to focus on getting back into the work week! ☀️


This weekend I was able to get out into nature with loved ones and our pets! The weather was perfect and I even had a chance to stand professionally next to this tree! 😂


Anyone else not ready for summer to end??
